sâmbătă, 24 martie 2012


Will not retain. To become Vip ... Send by email: vipimved@yahoo.com: account details (name, password, id that you can contact ~ ~) Ip is found to Acout (eg 93112100). Attention!!
VIP you 24 days! Whose 5000 per week. If you want the request to come in half an hour and have several months: give information and friends after caqre and send your friends (up to nine months you VIP)

Follow me!

Wow! Deci... Dupa cum "gandesc" si "observ" , din cate vad se pare ca ai vrea ?
Eu nu sunt prea sigur ?Asa crezi ? Nu ! Am o solutie !

We have an easy solution to become VIP!

We have an easy solution to become VIP!
Wow!Wow! It seems that we have a surprise for the first 5 players AP. It's secret!
And for those "Guest_ ..." have to be a surprise and AP simultaneously.
It appears that to take place and certain time-related errors that comes VIP / PA.
So you want to become VIP?

We know you will be VIP / AP / CREATORS

IMVU ... You are a fan? You like the game? We like communication? Remember how you like it more and more! You get VIP.

We're back! IMVED

Hello! We reopened IMVED! In recent years we have not had time because there were too many requests! But today we try to turn at least 10 people!
We love and new as much as the game IMVU to you. And we hope you like.